Residence Permit in Turkey: Types and New Application Condition

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What is Turkey Residence Permit?

Turkey Residence permit (İkamet izni) is a permit that is obtained by applying to the Immigration Authorities of the province in case of intending to stay longer than the visa period or visa exemption period.

The foreigners who will stay more than the visa period or visa exemption period or 90 days here absolutely need to apply for a residence permit in Turkey. Otherwise, they cannot stay in Turkey after that time.

The application for a residence permit can be made to the following competent authorities:

If the person is in the country;

  • To the governorships

If the person is abroad;

  • To the consulate in the country where the foreigner is a citizen,
  • To the consulate in the country where the foreigner is legally located.

Note: Consulate means; the Republic of Turkey consulates general, consulates or embassies consulates branches.

Important Issues Regarding Residence Permit; 

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